21 Apr 2020
Have you ever imagined how post-pandemic world would look like? There might be a number of possibilities of transformation that we couldn’t predict, however it is very unlikely that things will just remain or recover back to exactly the way they were before. Consider lockdown as an opportunity for you to either enhance your existing skills or obtain new essential skills, so that you are well prepared for the post-pandemic job market. Below are some few in-demand skills which are highly recommended to be acquired in the post-pandemic world of work:
Flexibility & Adaptability Skills
Global business environment has been evolving rapidly from time to time over the years, correspondingly every individual must prepare themselves to keep pace with these changes and avoid falling behind, not to mention the rise of the pandemic. To succeed in this, you would need to obtain the ability and willingness to respond to ever-changing business trends readily. In fact, both flexibility and adaptability skills are traits that most hiring companies value for, as they are able accommodate under any circumstances.
Leadership Skills
Don’t you think we all live in an interesting time? Mary Shelley’s quote of “Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change” really fits into the situation we are facing now. Eventually WFH has now become a new norm that every company has to adapt and implement during MCO. However, we found that the negative stigma of WFH appeared to be false as most of the companies were still able to conduct business operations at high productivity levels. And those companies who are able to successfully implement these changes have one thing in common, which is “Leadership”. In results, you must possess the ability to communicate effectively, motivate team members, listen to feedback and also have the flexibility to solve issues in an ever-changing working environment.
Digital Skilset
In the age of digitalisation, individuals could acquire almost any information at any time with the touch of a button to solve problems online. On top of the covid-19 outbreak, we have also witnessed there are higher rates of online exposure across different business industries. In order to maintain business resiliency, IT or Digital specialisation plays a vital role to create and enhance online business presence and engagement. As a result, you shall invest yourself in learning and development of digital skillset or acquiring hard skills such as developing web, coding, digital marketing which could enable you to best utilize online platforms to foster business growth for the company. This keeps you in an organization's must-hire list.
Creative & Innovative Mindset
Creativity is one of the all-time essential skills. Individuals must make use of creativity to produce new ideas to meet and merge with market needs during economic crisis, or critical thinking to innovate businesses. Companies that are able to shift swiftly from offline business to virtual business are going better through the difficulties. For instance, Grab has launched “Pasar”, an extension of GrabMart which enables fresh produce sellers to serve their customers in a cashless and contactless way; moreover provide on-demand contactless deliveries. This would minimise physical close contact and maximise the safety of everyone while maintaining their business continuity.
Never Stop Yourself From Learning
As mentioned earlier, the business world is changing rapidly. Not every skill that you gained in the past could sustain you continually. The best and only practical solution is to keep learning. Regardless of any situation you are facing, embrace market changes in the workplace, analyze the market and keep up the pace. Always take the initiative for self-learning as it helps you to improve your ability to develop other skills as well.